Playing truant

On cold, windy, rainy days I usually don’t mind leaving Holland. Especially when the flight is to an exotic place. While people struggle to work on their bikes or try not to get wet by huddling together at the bus stop, I am not at all sorry to be leaving.

In summer though, at times I find it rather hard to leave. Like on a sunny weekend afternoon. On balconies all over town, flowers are being watered, coffee is being drunk and the past week is discussed. The terraces in the centre of town are full of happy people, celebrating their weekend. The park is buzzing with activity, people playing football, picnicking, walking their dogs or with the kids, cooling themselves down in a pond or a fountain. You hear them making plans for the coming evening, which promises to be hot and long.

Blueblog.TruantIn the meantime, my uniform sticks to my skin as I make my way to the bus stop. “I don’t wanna go!” my heart cries out. “I want to spend the rest of the day on a terrace too, I want to cool down in that pond as well!”
Perhaps it’s all part of living in a country with distinct seasons. You don’t want to miss the best parts, because they could be gone at any moment. Travelling all over the world, I don’t want to miss out on those too-few days of perfect summer (or winter, or spring, or autumn) in my own country.

I am also reluctant to leave when I have to report for work in the evening. Like tonight. The family will soon be sitting cosily around the dinner table, chatting and relaxing, while I do my packing and rush to get to the airport.

I know, I know – I sound spoilt. Because when I return on one of those early, sunny weekday mornings, things are just the opposite. While everyone is rushing to work, I’ll be arriving home, with the rest of the week to myself. After all my years of flying, I still feel I am playing truant, taking time off while others can’t. And … the weather forecast looks good for the coming week!


Posted by:   Caroline  | 
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Daniel Dw

Thanks for your story about the weather and your travelling all over the world. Ive always admired flight crews from all over the world that is able to see exotic places. ive only been to Europe many years ago and some things still brings back memories. I love the travel industry although im a designer that landed up teaching at an art school! Whenever i see a plane especially fro oversees i always look up and admire and dream away1
So, happy flying and enjoy it.
Daniel, Johannesburg, South Africa

Daniel Dw

Thanks for your story about the weather and your travelling all over the world. Ive always admired flight crews from all over the world that is able to see exotic places. ive only been to Europe many years ago and some things still brings back memories. I love the travel industry although im a designer that landed up teaching at an art school! Whenever i see a plane especially fro oversees i always look up and admire and dream away1
So, happy flying and enjoy it.
Daniel, Johannesburg, South Africa

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