How the Bluebird Lands Safely in its Nest

Ever seen it? The blue trucks that ride alongside the runways and, despite their size, are able to bring gigantic aircraft to the proper place? Taxiing is an art and craft on its own. Armed with a two-way radio and handheld terminal, Peter and Heino stand ready every day to bring the bluebird safely to its nest. How do they do it?

They go to work at 7:00 o’clock in the morning. The handheld terminal makes a familiar sound indicating that an assignment awaits. It reads, “PH BVA triple 7 300 must be towed from gate E22 to Hangar 11.” Clear enough, don’t you think?

[tweet text=”The terminal even shows the men when they can take their coffee break”]

The entire day consists of them carrying out assignments of this kind. The terminal even shows the men when they can take their coffee break. But most of it has to do with towing: Tugging the aircraft on the ground. How does that work?


When a towing assignment comes in, they start by looking for a suitable truck.


They drive to and from the aircraft…


…where the landing gear is made ready. Here, Peter places the bypass steering pin into the landing gear. By doing this, he overrides the cockpit’s ability to steer the nose wheel.


Heino takes his place in the tow truck and Peter climbs into the cockpit. The duo take these jobs in turns. After all, everyone wants to take a turn in the cockpit.



Ready to tow? Go!


Until the bluebird arrives safely in its nest…


Posted by:   Ben Kortman  | 
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Nice job! Where would you learn such skills? :)

Francesco D'Amico



Quito -Ecuador


Mooi geschreven artikel, jammer dat de schrijver geen verstand heeft van vliegtuigen .er word over een Boeing gesproken en er staan foto’s bij van een airbus bij.groet een collega van Heino en peter


Ik heb er de hele nacht van wakker gelegen maar ik ben blij dat de collega van Heino en Peter hier ons op attendeert. Dan ga ik nu koffie zetten.

Mooi geschreven artikel, jammer dat de schrijver geen verstand heeft van vliegtuigen .er word over een Boeing gesproken en er staan foto’s bij van een airbus bij.groet een collega van Heino en peter.

Susan Julien

Really impressive! I’m amazed those trucks don’t get hit by aircraft and instead they tow these behemoths! Amazing!

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